Duraco Limitee is fully committed to be the leading supplier of Quality Polyethylene products & services on the island.
Our primary goal is to achieve the highest standards of quality in all operations and processes that we engaged in.
Our objective is to continually improve the company’s performance and in so doing, offer our customers a quality products that is safe and cost effective. Our aim is also to offer not only a reliable service but a service that exceeds our customers’ expectations.
Quality performance, a concern of Duraco Limitee, forms part of our company culture. Every employee must consider and apply the above the above guiding principle in the performance of their respective duties.
To maintain the quality performance, our aim is to:
* Focus on customer needs
* Commit ourselves to continual improvement
* Communicate our goal and objectives to every employee
* Create a working environment where training & tools are provided so that each process is performed in a safe and efficient manner.
* Periodically review the system and procedures to ensure we all perform our work effectively