Our Large water storage system is designed to meet the commercial and industrial bulk water requirement. It comprises of modular installation of Water Tanks depending on the site water requirement.

Note: When interconnecting the tanks, each tank must be equipped with an individual inlet connected to the float valve, and an individual outlet to a common parallel or perpendicular running pipe (manifold). Call Duraco for assistance and supervision.
The Warranty to your Duraco Water Tank is valid for Twelve years. It is applicable as follows:
- First 4 years– Free replacement or free repair whichever may be necessary
- 5 to 6 years– 85% discount off the current retail price of the Water Tank or free repair, whichever may be necessary
- 6 to 8 years– 70% discount off the current retail price of the Water Tank or free repair, whichever may be necessary
- 8 to 10 years – 55% discount off the current retail price of the Water Tank or free repair, whichever may be necessary
- 10 to 12 years – 40% discount off the current retail price of the Water Tank or free repair,
whichever may be necessary
The company’s obligations under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the water
tank, at the option of the company.
Warranty Exclusions
- Accidental damage, acts of god, failure due to misuse, incorrect installation, attempts to repair the water tank other than by DURACO Ltée accredited service agent
- The warranty only applies to the water tank and does not cover any plumbing, or fittings supplied by the company such as float valve, outlet fittings, foot valve in case of underground tanks and lid
- Any leakage at outlet/inlet resulting from wrong plumbing installation
- Subject to any statutory provisions to the contrary, claims for damage to furniture, carpets, foundations or any other consequential loss either directly or indirectly due to leakage from the water tanks
- The warranty does not apply to tanks which have been used for storage of chemicals
- Where the water tank is not installed according to the instruction above
What is the maximum number of water tank that can be connected?
It is recommended NOT to interconnect more than four water tanks.
What are the advantages of using interconnected water tank?
- Increased Water storage.
- Facility to by-pass any of the interconnected tank in case of breakdown
- Ease of maintenance.
Can I inter-connect water tanks of different capacity?
It is NOT recommended to inter-connect tanks of different capacity.
In case of any disturbance in one tank, will I still be provided with water?
If any one section of water distribution main fails or needs repair, that section can be isolated without disrupting the water supply network.